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What is CPU?


            What is CPU? Write the functions of CPU.

Answer: The CPU is the heart and brain of a computer. It receives data input, executes instructions, and processes information. It communicates with input/output (I/O) devices, which send and receive data to and from the CPU. Additionally, the CPU has an internal bus for communication with the internal cache memory, called the backside bus. The main bus for data transfer to and from the CPU, memory, chipset, and AGP socket is called the front-side bus.

Function of CPU:      a. Performs all calculation

b. Takes all decision

c. Controls all units of the computer

d. Maintain directs different parts of the computer functions.

e. Activating and controlling the operations.


What is USB port? Give five examples that use USB port.

Answer: USB, short for Universal Serial Bus, is a widely used is a cable system that includes physical cables, connectors and communication protocols.Intel invented this technology and now it is very popular. It can transfer data with a very high speed. In the primary level it could transfer data in 12 Mb speed. Later it increased in 480 Mb pm. In USB 3.0 the speed is 5 GBPS.

A USB port is a standard cable connection interface on personal computers and consumer electronics.  Nowadays most of the peripherals and devices use USB cables to connect to computers – cameras, printers, scanners, external drives, etc.

  1. USB Flash Drives.
  2. USB External Hard Drives.
  3. USB External DVD/CD/Blu-Ray Drives.
  4. Powered USB Hubs.
  5. USB Speakers.
  6. USB Microphones.
  7. USB Headsets.
  8. USB charging lasers.


What is computer memory? Write the types of computer memory with examples.

Answer: Memory: The memory is another very important element of the computer. Without memory the computer cannot operate in present age. Modern age it is called the RAM. The main reason behind the memory is that it is rapidly communication with the processor. In which unit stores given data instruction, program and result is memory or memory unit.

Function of memory unit: 

1.Program must be loaded here to be executed

2.Data mast be read into here to be processed

3.Information will be taken from here to be output

4.The data and instructions required for processing

5.Sometime we need to stored data even after passing through output unit.

There are two types main memory

1. Primary memory: RAM, ROM, Cache memory

2. Secondary memory: Hard Disk Drive, Floppy Disk Drive, DVD, Pen Drive

 There are two types of build in memory

1. Permanent /non-volatile memory: Read-only memory, flash memory,

2. Non-permanent/volatile memory:RAM, HDD

The CPU?

The main piece of your computer, in the event that you needed to pick only one, would be the focal preparing unit (CPU). It's the essential center point (or "cerebrum"), and it measures the directions that come from programs, the working framework, or different parts in your PC. 

1's and 0's 

On account of all the more remarkable CPUs, we've bounced from scarcely having the option to show a picture on a computer screen to Netflix, video visit, web based, and progressively exact computer games. 
The CPU is a miracle of designing, in any case, at its center, it actually depends on the essential idea of deciphering twofold signals (1's and 0's). The distinction presently is that, rather than perusing punch cards or preparing directions with sets of vacuum tubes, current CPUs utilize minuscule semiconductors to make TikTok recordings or round out numbers on an accounting page. 

The Basics of the CPU 

The Intel Core i3, i5, and i7 logos. 


CPU fabricating is muddled. The significant point is that every CPU has silicon (possibly one piece or a few) that houses billions of minute semiconductors. 

As we implied before, these semiconductors utilize a progression of electrical signs (flow "on" and flow "off") to speak to machine double code, comprised of 1's and 0's. Since there are so a considerable lot of these semiconductors, CPUs can do progressively complex assignments at more prominent velocities than previously. 

The semiconductor check doesn't really mean a CPU will be quicker. Notwithstanding, it's as yet a key explanation the telephone you convey in your pocket has definitely more registering power than, maybe, the whole planet did when we previously went to the moon. 

Before we head further up the reasonable stepping stool of CPUs, we should discuss how a CPU does directions dependent on machine code, called the "guidance set." CPUs from various organizations can have distinctive guidance sets, however not generally. 

Most Windows PCs and current Mac processors, for instance, utilize the x86-64 guidance set, whether or not they're an Intel or AMD CPU. Macintoshes appearing in late 2020, in any case, will have ARM-based CPUs, which utilize an alternate guidance set. There are likewise few Windows 10 PCs utilizing ARM processors. 

A chart of Intel Silicon, with the centers and different segments of the CPU marked. 


Presently, how about we take a gander at the silicon itself. The graph above is from an Intel white paper distributed in 2014 about the organization's CPU engineering for the Core i7-4770S. This is only an illustration of what one processor resembles—different processors have various formats. 

We can see this is a four-center processor. In the past a CPU just had a solitary center. Since we have different centers, they measure guidelines a lot quicker. Centers can likewise have something many refer to as hyper-stringing or synchronous multi-stringing (SMT), which causes one center to seem like two to the PC. This, as you may envision, assists speed with increasing preparing times much more. 

The centers in this chart are sharing something many refer to as the L3 reserve. This is a type of locally available memory inside the CPU. CPUs likewise have L1 and L2 reserves contained in each center, just as registers, which are a type of low-level memory. On the off chance that you need to comprehend the contrasts between registers, reserves, and framework RAM, look at this answer on StackExchange. 

The CPU that appeared above additionally contains the framework specialist, memory regulator, and different pieces of the silicon that oversee data coming into, and leaving, the CPU. 

At last, there are the processor's locally available illustrations, which produce every one of those superb visual components you see on your screen. Not all CPUs contain their own illustrations abilities. AMD Zen work area CPUs, for instance, require a discrete illustrations card to show anything on-screen. Some Intel Core work area CPUs likewise do exclude installed illustrations. 

The CPU on the Motherboard 

A CPU in its motherboard attachment without a cooler mounted on top. 


Since we've seen what's happening under the hood of a CPU, we should take a gander at how it incorporates with the remainder of your PC. The CPU sits in what's known as an attachment on your PC's motherboard. 

Whenever it's situated in the attachment, different pieces of the computer can interface with the CPU through something many refer to as "transports." RAM, for instance, associates with the CPU through its own transport, while numerous PC segments utilize a particular sort of transport, called a "PCIe." 

Every CPU has a bunch of "PCIe paths" it can utilize. AMD's Zen 2 CPUs, for instance, have 24 paths that interface straightforwardly to the CPU. These paths are then divvied up by motherboard makers with direction from AMD. 

For instance, 16 paths are regularly utilized for an x16 illustration card opening. At that point, there are four paths for capacity, for example, one quick stockpiling gadget, similar to an M.2 SSD. Then again, these four paths can likewise be part. Two paths could be utilized for the M.2 SSD, and two for a more slow SATA drive, similar to a hard drive or 2.5-inch SSD. 

That is 20 paths, with the other four saved for the chipset, which is the interchanges place and traffic regulator for the motherboard. The chipset then has its own arrangement of transport associations, empowering much more parts to be added to a PC. As you would expect, the higher-performing parts have a more straightforward association with the CPU. 

As should be obvious, the CPU does the vast majority of the guidance preparing, and now and again, even the illustrations work (if it's worked for that). The CPU isn't the best way to handle guidelines, be that as it may. Different segments, for example, the designs card, have their own installed handling abilities. The GPU likewise utilizes its own handling capacities to work with the CPU and run games or complete different illustrations concentrated undertakings. 

The huge distinction is part processors are worked considering explicit assignments. The CPU, notwithstanding, is a broadly useful gadget equipped for doing whatever processing task it's approached to do. That is the reason the CPU rules inside your PC, and the remainder of the framework depends on it to work.

What does computer memory resemble? 

The following is an illustration of a 512 MB DIMM computer memory module. This memory module associate with the memory opening on a computer motherboard. 

Computer memory 

Unstable versus non-unstable memory 

Memory can be either unstable and non-unpredictable memory. Unstable memory will be memory that loses its substance when the computer or equipment gadget loses power. Computer RAM is an illustration of unstable memory. It is the reason if your computer freezes or reboots when dealing with a program, you lose whatever hasn't been saved. Non-unpredictable memory once in a while truncated as NVRAM, is a memory that keeps its substance regardless of whether the force is lost. EPROM is an illustration of non-unstable memory. 

What befalls memory when the computer is killed? 

As referenced above, on the grounds that RAM is unstable memory, when the computer loses power, anything put away in RAM is lost. For instance, while chipping away at a record, it is put away in RAM. On the off chance that it was saved to non-unpredictable memory (e.g., the hard drive), it would be lost if the computer lost force. 

Memory isn't circled stockpiling 


It is exceptionally basic for new computer clients to be befuddled by what parts in the computer are a memory. Albeit both the hard drive and RAM are memory, it's more fitting to allude to RAM as "memory" or "essential memory" and a hard drive as "capacity" or "auxiliary stockpiling." 

At the point when somebody asks how much memory is in your computer, it is regularly between 1 GB and 16 GB of RAM and a few hundred gigabytes, or even a terabyte, of hard plate drive, stockpiling. At the end of the day, you generally have more hard drive space than RAM. 

How might I become familiar with computers? 

How is memory utilized? 

At the point when a program, for example, your Internet program, is open, it is stacked from your hard drive and put into RAM. This cycle permits that program to speak with the processor at higher velocities. Anything you save to your computer, for example, an image or video, is shipped off your hard drive for capacity. 

For what reason is memory significant or required for a computer? 

Every gadget in a computer works at various velocities and computer memory gives your computer a spot to rapidly get to the information. In the event that the CPU needed to sit tight for an optional stockpiling gadget, similar to a hard circle drive, a computer would be much slower. 

Sorts of memory 

There are a few sorts of memory for computers. They are recorded underneath. 


ROM is isolated into three classifications: 





There are six kinds of RAM: 







These kinds of memory throughout the fall into the overall classifications of SIMM or DIMM. 
Related memory pages 
Instructions to discover the amount of RAM is introduced on a computer. 
What amount of memory or RAM should my computer have? 
Step by step instructions to discover how much hard drive space is accessible. 
Memory purchasing tips. 
Computer memory makers. 
Memory (RAM) help and backing.

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