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Computer Network



What is computer network? Write the types of computer network.

Answer: Network: When the communication of information is done by sharing though computers itis called network.


        Elements of Computer Network:

  1.   Cables: e.g. UTP, Optical fiber, Wireless cables etc.
  2.   Connectors: RJ 45
  3.   Intermediary device: Hub, Switches, Routers etc.
  4.   Operating system: Windows 98, Windows NT, Server, Linux, ME etc
  5.   Network Interface Card: LAN

Define computer network. Write down the advantages of computer network.

Answer: Network: When the communication of information is done by sharing though computers itis called network.

      Use of network:

  1. Simultaneous access to programmer and data
  2. Sharing peripheral device like printer, scanners
  3. Personal communication using e-mail
  4.  Making beck up of information
  5. Protecting information by account name and password.
  6. Aiding communication by telecom fermenting and video conferencing.



 What is OSI layer? Write the names of OSI layer.

Answer: OSI Layers: OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It has been developed by ISO – ‘International Organization of Standardization ‘, in the year 1974. It is a 7 layer architecture with each layer having specific functionality to performed. All these 7 layers work collaboratively to transmit the data from one person to another across the globe.

1.Physical layer - responsible for the electrical, mechanical, and timing across the link.

2.Data link layer (also known as the link layer) - responsible for transmitting data across a link.

3.Network layer - responsible for routing information through the network and allowing systems to communicate.

4.Transport layer - responsible for transferring information between endpoints on the network and deals with errors such as lost or duplicate packets.

5. Session layer - responsible for managing a session between two applications.

6. Presentation layer - responsible for the data formatting and display, allowing for compatibility.

7. Application layer - responsible for user interaction. An example of an OSI application is the FTAM.


Computer Network Types 

A computer network is a gathering of computers connected to one another that empowers the computer to speak with another computer and offer their assets, information, and applications. 
A computer organization can be arranged by their size. A computer network is for the most part of four sorts: 

Computer Network Types 

LAN(Local Area Network) 

PAN(Personal Area Network) 

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) 

WAN(Wide Area Network) 

LAN(Local Area Network) 

A neighborhood is a gathering of computers associated with one another in a little zone, for example, a building, office. 

LAN is utilized for associating at least two PCs through a correspondence medium, for example, curved pair, coaxial link, and so forth 
It is less exorbitant as it is worked with reasonable equipment, for example, centers, network connectors, and ethernet links. 

The information is moved at a very quicker rate in Local Area Network. 

Neighborhood gives higher security. 

PAN(Personal Area Network) 

Individual Area Network is an organization masterminded inside a distinctive individual, regularly inside a scope of 10 meters. 

Individual Area Network is utilized for associating the computer gadgets of individual use is known as Personal Area Network. 

Thomas Zimmerman was the primary exploration researcher to bring the possibility of the Personal Area Network. 

Individual Area Network covers a territory of 30 feet. 

PC gadgets that are utilized to build up the individual territory network are the PC, cell phones, media players, and play stations. 

There are two sorts of Personal Area Network: 

Computer Network Types 

Wired Personal Area Network 

Remote Personal Area Network 

Remote Personal Area Network: Wireless Personal Area Network is created by basically utilizing remote advances, for example, WiFi, Bluetooth. It is a low reach organization. 

Wired Personal Area Network: Wired Personal Area Network is made by utilizing the USB. 

Instances Of Personal Area Network: 

Body Area Network: Body Area Network is an organization that moves with an individual. For instance, a versatile organization moves with an individual. Assume an individual sets up an organization association and afterward makes an association with another gadget to share the data. 

Disconnected Network: A disconnected organization can be made inside the home, so it is otherwise called a home organization. A home organization is intended to coordinate the gadgets, for example, printers, computer, TV however they are not associated with the web. 

Little Home Office: It is utilized to interface an assortment of gadgets to the web and to a corporate organization utilizing a VPN 

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) 

A metropolitan region network is an organization that covers a bigger geographic region by interconnecting an alternate LAN to shape a bigger organization. 

Government organizations use MAN to associate with the residents and private businesses. 

In MAN, different LANs are associated with one another through a phone trade line. 

The most generally utilized conventions in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, OC-3, ADSL, and so on 

It has a higher reach than Local Area Network(LAN). 

Employments Of Metropolitan Area Network: 

MAN is utilized in correspondence between the banks in a city. 

It tends to be utilized in an Airline Reservation. 

It tends to be utilized in a school inside a city. 

It can likewise be utilized for correspondence in the military. 

WAN(Wide Area Network) 

A Wide Area Network is an organization that stretches out over a huge geological zone, for example, states or nations. 

A Wide Area Network is very greater organization than the LAN. 

A Wide Area Network isn't restricted to a solitary area, yet it ranges over a huge topographical territory through a phone line, fiber optic link or satellite connections. 

The web is one of the greatest WAN on the planet. 

A Wide Area Network is generally utilized in the field of Business, government, and training. 

Versatile Broadband: A 4G organization is generally utilized across an area or nation. 

Last mile: A telecom organization is utilized to give the internet providers to the clients in several urban communities by associating their home with fiber. 

Private organization: A bank gives a private organization that associates the 44 workplaces. This organization is made by utilizing the phone rented line gave by the telecom organization. 

Favorable circumstances Of Wide Area Network: 

Following are the benefits of the Wide Area Network: 

Topographical territory: A Wide Area Network gives a huge geological region. Assume in the event that the part of our office is in an alternate city, at that point we can interface with them through WAN. The web gives a rented line through which we can interface with another branch. 

Incorporated information: if there should arise an occurrence of WAN organization, information is brought together. Thusly, we don't have to purchase the messages, records or back up workers. 

Get refreshed records: Software organizations deal with the live worker. Hence, the software engineers get the refreshed documents in practically no time. 

Trade messages: In a WAN organization, messages are sent quick. The web application like Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype permits you to speak with companions. 

Sharing of programming and assets: In WAN organization, we can share the product and different assets like a hard drive, RAM. 

Worldwide business: We can do the business over the web internationally. 

High data transfer capacity: If we utilize the rented lines for our organization then this gives the high data transmission. The high transmission capacity expands the information move rate which thus builds the efficiency of our organization. 

Inconveniences of Wide Area Network: 

Coming up next are the inconveniences of the Wide Area Network: 

Security issue: A WAN organization has greater security issues when contrasted with LAN and MAN network as all the innovations are consolidated together that makes the security issue. 

Needs Firewall and antivirus programming: The information is moved on the web which can be changed or hacked by the programmers, so the firewall should be utilized. A few people can infuse the infection in our framework so antivirus is expected to shield from such an infection. 

High Setup cost: An establishment cost of the WAN organization is high as it includes the buying of switches, switches. 

Investigating issues: It covers an enormous region so fixing the issue is troublesome. 


An internetwork is characterized as at least two computer network LANs or WAN or computer network portions are associated utilizing gadgets, and they are designed by a neighborhood tending to conspire. This cycle is known as internetworking. 

An interconnection between open, private, business, mechanical, or government computer organizations can likewise be characterized as internetworking. 

An internetworking utilizes the web convention. 
The reference model utilized for internetworking is Open System Interconnection(OSI). 

Kinds Of Internetwork: 

1. Extranet: An extranet is a correspondence network dependent on the web convention, for example, Transmission Control convention and web convention. It is utilized for data sharing. The admittance to the extranet is confined to just those clients who have login qualifications. An extranet is the most minimal degree of internetworking. It very well may be ordered as MAN, WAN or other computer organizations. An extranet can't have a solitary LAN, atleast it should have one association with the outer organization. 

2. Intranet: An intranet is a private organization dependent on the web convention, for example, Transmission Control convention and web convention. An intranet has a place with an association which is just open by the association's representative or individuals. The principle point of the intranet is to divide the data and assets between the association representatives. An intranet gives the office to work in gatherings and for video chats. 

Correspondence: It gives a modest and simple correspondence. A worker of the association can speak with another representative through email, visit. 

Efficient: Information on the intranet is partaken progressively, so the time has come saving. 

Joint effort: Collaboration is one of the main preferred position of the intranet. The data is disseminated among the representatives of the association and must be gotten to by the approved client. 

Stage independency: It is a nonpartisan engineering as the computer can be associated with another gadget with various design. 

Financially savvy: People can see the information and reports by utilizing the program and appropriates the copy duplicates over the intranet. This prompts a decrease in the expense.

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