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Presentation Software - Ms DOS and Ms Windows


Write the functions of operating system (OS).

Answer: The function of an operating system:

  1. Booting the computer
  2. Performs basic computer tasks e.g. managing the various peripheral devices e.g. Mouse, Keyboard.
  3. Provides a user interface e.g. commend line, graphical user interface (GUT)
  4. Handles system resources such as computer's memory and sharing of the central processing unit (CPU) time by various applications or peripheral devices
  5. Provides file management which refers to the way that the operating system manipulates, stores, retrieves and saves data.

Write short note on Presentation Software.

Answer: A presentation software is a computer software package used to show information, normally in the form of a slide show. It mostly includes three major functions: an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and a slide-show system to display the content.

Example:Microsoft Power Point,Slide Bean, Apple Keynote, Canva, Haiku Deck.

What are the differences between Ms DOS and Ms Windows?

Answer: Difference between DOS and windows operating system



It is work on CUI bases.

It is work on GUI bases.

Key board is used as input device.

Key board and Mouse both used as input device.

Single tasking system

Multi-tasking system

No memory sharing facilities

Memory can be share with another computer

It cannot support the graphics

It can support the graphics

Dos is difficult to learn and understand

Windows is easy to learn and understand

Limited users can work on dos.

Windows there are many users

We cannot see mouse in Dos

in Windows we can see and use mouse to click on icons or links

Application and system software is did not work properly

Windows it runs at a great speed.


Dos is not user friendly

Windows operating system is user friendly.

In Dos new hardware cannot work properly

Windows it can detect and installs software automatically.

Ex: MS-DOS 1x, MS-DOS 3x,

Ex: Windows 7,Windows XP.

Introduction programming is a class of utilization programming that is explicitly intended to permit clients to make an introduction of thoughts by hanging together content, pictures and sound/video. The introduction recounts a story or supports discourse or the introduction of data. 

Introduction programming can be isolated into business introduction programming and general mixed media composing programming, however most introduction programming applications as of now give instruments that permit clients to make both expert looking business introductions and general sight and sound introductions. 

Introduction programming is otherwise called an introduction program. 

Introduction programming is by and large utilized for making slideshows that show data. The product has three principle segments: 

Word processor for contributing and arranging text 

Office for embeddings illustrations and other media records 

Other Presentation Software Options 

Microsoft PowerPoint rules the introduction programming market, however different choices incorporate Mind Maps, SlideRocket, and Prezi. 

Introduction programming is a PC programming bundle used to show data, regularly as a slide show. 

Microsoft PowerPoint rules the market with 95% of the introduction programming piece of the pie. 

The free help incorporates it own introduction programming that can be traded in open office design just as Microsoft Office. 

Prezi is an online introduction programming utilizing zoom interface instead of individual slides. 


A slideshow is an on-screen introduction of data as well as thoughts introduced utilizing overhead projectors, photographs, or introduction programming. 

Most as of late, current slideshows are normally amassed utilizing introduction programming, for example, Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi. 

Introduction programming is most regularly utilized for instructional purposes, typically with the aim of making a dynamic, varying media introduction. 

Slideshows made utilizing introduction programming bring about a document some of the time alluded to as a "slide deck" or basically a "deck" in business settings. 

Some electronic slideshows are produced from introduction programming, yet might be hard to change. 

An Overview of PowerPoint 

PowerPoint is an introductory programming program. 

An introduction program (likewise called an introduction illustrations program) is a PC programming bundle used to show data, regularly as a slide show. 

Microsoft PowerPoint 9 is anything but difficult to-utilize introduction programming that sudden spikes in demand for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS working frameworks. 

Since the product is anything but difficult to utilize, it urges individuals to give introductions that contain visual guides who in any case might not have even given an introduction. 

With 95% piece of the overall industry, PowerPoint introduction programming is one of the most broadly utilized projects for creating visual introductions. 

Conveyance Tips 

PowerPoint introduction programming is your associate and should help you by supporting your introduction, not assuming control over the show. 

PowerPoint introduction programming is your collaborator and should help you, not assume control over the show. 

You can utilize the Slide Show view to convey your introduction. 

Social introduction (otherwise called outwardly intuitive introduction) utilizes standard introduction programming, for example, PowerPoint in a way that takes into account dynamic customization of messages while introducing. 

So to wrap it up, you ought to set up your talk prior to starting up your product. 

Dynamic Representations: Video and Multimedia 

Utilizing these social introduction methods permits moderators to collaborate with as opposed to "talk at" crowds . 

Introduction programming programs give public speakers the capacity to show video, photography, and other powerful substance in slideshow designs reasonable for little and huge crowds. 

Zooming introduction projects, for example, Prezi present substance on one limitless canvas. 

This considers non-straight introductions where moderators can introduce more extravagant detail of substance, just as give a superior diagram and comprehension of complex visual messages and relations. 

Moderators frequently carry sight and sound into introductions to make content all the more captivating for crowds. 

Efficiency Gains from Software 

Better approaches for creating and utilizing programming have prompted higher effectiveness and efficiency through more noteworthy connection between clients. 

Google Docs are an especially well known and simple to utilize set of collective virtual products. 

Clients can connect their schedules, and work on records, bookkeeping pages, or introductions all the while and progressively. 

Communitarian programming has delivered significant increases in efficiency. 

Nimble programming improvement is a gathering of programming advancement techniques dependent on iterative and steady turn of events, where prerequisites and arrangements develop through coordinated effort between self-putting together, cross-utilitarian groups. 

"Free" Versus "Open Source" 

As the corporate world focused on free programming, software engineers were confronted with new issues of introduction. 

On first hearing the expression "free programming" numerous individuals erroneously think it implies just "zero-cost programming." 

The facts demonstrate that all free programming is zero-cost, yet not each of the zero-cost programming is free as in "opportunity"— that is, the opportunity to share and change for any reason. 

Neither one of the browsers was free in the "free programming" sense. 

The developers who really compose free programming have never been of one psyche about the general objective, assuming any, of the free programming development. 


Free programming under another name. 

Yet, the distinctive name mirrors a significant philosophical contrast: "open source" was authored by the Open Source Initiative ( as an intentional choice to "free programming," to settle on such programming a more attractive decision for partnerships, by introducing it as an improvement system instead of a political development. 

The Debian Free Software Guidelines are the necessities that a product bundle's permit should meet to be remembered for Debian. 

The OSI's meaning of open source programming depends on the Debian Free Software Guidelines, and any permit that meets one definition quite often meets the other. 

Free programming can be business programming. 

The Rise of Proprietary Software and Free Software 

A connected error is that of holding back on introduction and bundling, figuring that these should consistently be possible later, when the venture is well under way. 

Introduction and bundling include a wide scope of assignments, all spinning around the topic of decreasing the hindrance to section. 

Second, the aptitudes needed to do introduction and bundling great are frequently totally unique in relation to those needed to compose code. 

The part Getting Started examines introduction and bundling in detail, and clarifies why it's essential that they be a need from the very beginning of the undertaking. 

Programming sharing has been around as long as programming itself. 

Utilizing a Learning Management System 

A Learning Management System is a product application for the organization, documentation, following, announcing and conveyance of e-learning instruction courses. 

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a product application for the organization, documentation, following, revealing and conveyance of e-learning instruction courses or preparing programs . 

A LMS gives the framework to convey and oversee instructional substance, recognize and evaluate individual and hierarchical learning or preparing objectives, track the advancement towards meeting those objectives, and gather and present information for managing the learning cycle of association overall. 

Utilizing a LMS Software students can self-register and sign in to take courses and appraisals, at whenever and from any gadget by means of the web. 

Slideshow framework for showing the substance 

Prior to the approach of introduction programming, moderators usually utilized an easel to hold banners that contained representations to help the report or a slide projector to show illustrations imprinted on a straightforward plastic film. These techniques were rigid; for instance, changing little things in the written words utilized could bring about crisscrossed designs or outlines, in some cases requiring re-trying the whole thing. With introduction programming, creating as well as amending delineations should be possible without any problem. 

Microsoft's PowerPoint and Apple's Keynote are two of the most popular business introduction programming applications on the lookout. 

Numerous product suites offer a program intended to go with a speaker when the person in question conveys an introduction. The particular introduction program in this set-up of projects is normally (yet not generally) as a slide show. This class of program is grounded; it doesn't change a lot, and it upholds online visual showcase as well as, for the most part, the printing of related gifts and speaker notes. 

Advantages of Presentation Software 

These projects make it straightforward and frequently enjoyable to make an introduction for your crowd. They contain a word processor to add your composed substance; they uphold outlines and realistic pictures, for example, photos, cut craftsmanship or different items to breath life into your slideshow and convey your idea freshly. 

For a more profound jump into a portion of the main applications in this product classification, look at: 

Acquaint Yourself with Microsoft PowerPoint 

The Free Presentation Software You've Been Looking For 

Different Forms of Presentation Software 

PowerPoint and its clones chip away at a slide-based rationale: When you move to the following point in your discussion, you advance to the following slide. An elective model of introductions puts aside the slide model for some other route framework. Models include: 


Prezi offers a visual route device that considers zoom-in/zoom-out detail across an intelligent guide of your introduction. 




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