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Virus and Anti-virus


Write the differences between a computer virus and anti-virus software.

Answer: Differences between Virus and Anti-virus software:




Vital information resource undersized in shortly called virus

When software protect computer from virus is called Antivirus

A virus is a computer program.

An antivirus is computer software.

A virus can now easily uploaded or copied on the web

While antivirus software is hard to find and cost more money

Example: Trojan, spyware, worm, backdoor, Auto run, etc.

Example: Avast, Norton, Avira, Kaspersky.

A computer virus spreads through infected CDs, pen drive, email attachments and malicious websites.

Using Antivirus, we can Scan e-mail attachment, pen drives and CD contents before use.


What is computer VIRUS & Antivirus? Write five VIRUS & Antivirus software names.


Virus: Virus means (Vital Information Resource Under size) Virus is a program which makes problems for a computer. It is created by some bad people. Virus hampers the normal functioning of computer. This program is called Computer Virus.


The names of computer virus are:- Aids Virus, Bad boy Virus, Lazy Virus, MacGyver Virus, phoenix Virus, Twin Virus, X- boot Virus and Hero Virus.


Antivirus: This software is used in preventing, detecting and removing malware, like computer viruses, worms, spyware, Trojan horses and adware. You should be careful when choosing anti-virus software. Hackers or computer geniuses are releasing newer kinds of virus. The updated viruses are not visible and cannot be his detected by your traditional anti-virus. Their efficiency declines every year because of the new viruses that are coming out.

The name of some Antivirus:1. MacAfee Antivirus 2. AVG Antivirus 3. Norton Antivirus 4. Avast Antivirus. 5. Panda Antivirus 6. Bitdefender 7.eScan Anti-Virus


What is Application software? Write the types of Applications software with example.

Answer: Application software is a program or group of programs designed for end users. While system software consists of low-level programs that interact with computers at a basic level, application software resides above system software and includes applications such as database programs, word processors and spreadsheets.

Types of Application software with example:

Application Software Type


Word processing software

MS Word, WordPad and Notepad

Database software

Oracle, MS Access etc

Spreadsheet software

Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel

Multimedia software

Real Player, Media Player

Presentation Software

Microsoft Power Point, Keynotes

Enterprise Software

Customer relationship management system

Educational Software

Dictionaries: Encarta, Britannica Mathematical: MATLAB Others: Google Earth, NASA World Wind

Application Suites

Open Office, Microsoft Office



Define ICT. Write the advantages of ICT.

Answer: ICT/Information and Communication Technology:

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. It means ” diverse set of technologies tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate , store and manage Information ”.  It includes computers, the Internet, telephone systems, radio television and satellite communications.

Advantage ICT:

a)      Powerful tool for extending educational opportunities.

b)      Helps to Improve The quality of Education.

c)  Computers and ICT technologies are making health care for all patients more efficient and accurate.

d)      It provides assistance to Medical surgeons during critical operations.

e)    Scientists and Engineers working in the design department make very significant usage of high speed computers and ICT technologies.

f)       Using ICT, advertisements can be displayed on different websites.

Definition: A computer virus is a vindictive programming program stacked onto a client's computer without the client's information and performs noxious activities. 

Depiction: The term 'computer virus' was first officially characterized by Fred Cohen in 1983. Computer viruses never happen normally. They are constantly prompted by individuals. Once made and delivered, be that as it may, their dispersion isn't straightforwardly under human control. In the wake of entering a computer, a virus joins itself to another program so that execution of the host program triggers the activity of the virus all the while. It can self-repeat, embeddings itself onto different projects or documents, tainting them simultaneously. Not all computer viruses are dangerous however. Nonetheless, a large portion of them perform activities that are malignant in nature, for example, decimating information. Some viruses unleash destruction when their code is executed, while others lie lethargic until a specific occasion (as customized) gets started, that makes their code run in the computer. Viruses spread when the product or records they get joined to are moved starting with one computer then onto the next utilizing an organization, a plate, document sharing techniques, or through tainted email connections. Some viruses utilize distinctive covertness systems to dodge their identification from against virus programming. For instance, some can contaminate records without expanding their sizes, while others attempt to dodge discovery by slaughtering the errands related with the antivirus programming before they can be distinguished. Some old viruses ensure that the "last adjusted" date of a host record remains a similar when they taint the document. 

What is a computer virus? 

As characterized by Malwarebytes Labs, a computer virus is "malware joined to another program, (for example, a report), which can repeat and spread after an underlying execution on an objective system where human cooperation is required. Numerous viruses are hurtful and can pulverize information, hinder system assets, and log keystrokes." 

Most computer viruses target systems running Microsoft Windows. Macintoshes, then again, appreciate a standing as virus-verification super machines. Actually, Macs are not inalienably more secure. There are a greater number of Windows clients on the planet than Mac clients and cybercriminals basically decide to compose viruses for the working system (OS) with the biggest measure of expected casualties. 

Whatever OS you pick, Windows or Mac, don't stress excessively, on the grounds that viruses simply aren't a thing any longer. That may sound odd coming from an online protection organization however listen to us. 

Cybercriminals aren't making new viruses, rather they are zeroing in their endeavors on more modern and worthwhile dangers. At the point when individuals talk about "getting a virus" on their computer, they generally mean some type of malware—frequently a computer worm. 

The expressions "virus" and "malware" are regularly utilized conversely, yet they're not something very similar. While a computer virus is a kind of malware, not all malware are computer viruses. 

The least demanding approach to separate computer viruses from different types of malware is to consider viruses in organic terms. Take the seasonal virus, for instance. This season's virus requires some sort of collaboration between two individuals—like a handshake, a kiss, or contacting something a tainted individual contacted. When the seasonal virus gets inside an individual's system it joins to solid human cells, utilizing those cells to make more popular cells. 

A computer virus works similarly: 

A computer virus requires a host program. 

A computer virus requires client activity to communicate starting with one system then onto the next. 

A computer virus joins pieces of its own noxious code to different documents or replaces records through and through with duplicates of itself. 

It's that second virus quality that will in general confound individuals. Viruses can't spread without a type of activity from a client, such as opening up a tainted Word record. Worms, then again, can spread across systems and organizations all alone, making them considerably more pervasive and hazardous. 

Broadly, the 2017 WannaCry ransomware worm spread the world over, brought down a large number of Windows systems, and rounded up an apparent measure of untraceable Bitcoin recovery installments for the supposed North Korean assailants. 

Computer viruses don't catch features that way—in any event not any longer. 

To recap, the trouble makers aren't centered around making new viruses and a large portion of the truly downright terrible is really malware. Would it be a good idea for us to at present pay attention to computer viruses? Certainly, yes. 

Proceeding with the virus similarity, if a given populace quits accepting inoculations for infections thought to be destroyed, similar to the measles and polio, those illnesses can and do return. In like manner, it's imperative to be proactive about network safety and take some fundamental defensive measures against computer viruses. Something else, computer viruses could make a rebound. 

All things considered, how about we investigate computer viruses under the magnifying lens. 

Computer virus models 

At times to comprehend what something is, we need to analyze what it isn't. Remembering that, we should play: Is It a Virus? 

In the Is It a Virus game we will investigate instances of things individuals on the Internet ordinarily accept to be a virus and clarify why it is or isn't. What fun! 

Is a Trojan a virus? Trojans can be viruses. A Trojan is a computer program claiming to be something it's not for the reasons for sneaking onto your computer and conveying some kind of malware. To put it another way, on the off chance that a virus camouflages itself, at that point it's a Trojan. A Trojan could be an apparently favorable record downloaded off the web or a Word doc joined to an email. Feel that film you downloaded from your #1 P2P sharing website is protected? Shouldn't something be said about that "significant" charge report from your bookkeeper? Reconsider, on the grounds that they could contain a virus. 

Is a worm a virus? Worms are not viruses, however, the terms are here and there utilized conversely. Much more terrible, the terms are now and then utilized together in an unusual and conflicting word serving of mixed greens; for example a "worm virus malware." It's either a worm or a virus, however, it can't be both, in light of the fact that worms and viruses allude to two comparative yet various dangers. As referenced before, a virus needs a host system to duplicate and some kind of activity from a client to spread starting with one system then onto the next. A worm, on the other hand, needn't bother with a host system and is fit for spreading across an organization and any systems associated with the organization without client activity. Once on a system, worms are known to drop malware (frequently ransomware) or open indirect access. 

Is ransomware a virus? Ransomware can be a virus. Does the virus keep casualties from getting to their system or individual documents and requests an emancipate installment to recover access à la ransomware? Provided that this is true, at that point it's a ransomware virus. Indeed, the absolute first ransomware was a virus (more on that later). These days, most ransomware comes because of the computer worm, equipped for spreading starting with one system then onto the next and across networks without client activity (for example WannaCry). 

Is a rootkit a virus? Rootkits are not viruses. A rootkit is a product bundle intended to give assailants "root" access or administrator admittance to a given system. Critically, rootkits can't self-imitate and don't spread across systems. 

Is a product bug a virus? Programming bugs are not viruses. Despite the fact that we now and again allude to an organic virus as a "bug" (for example "I got a stomach bug"), programming bugs and viruses are not something very similar. A product bug alludes to a blemish or slip-up in the computer code that a given programming program is comprised of. Programming bugs can make programs act in manners the product maker never planned. The Y2K bug broadly made projects show some unacceptable dates, in light of the fact that the projects could just oversee dates during that time 1999. Following 1999 the year turned over like the odometer on an old vehicle to 1900. While the Y2K bug was moderately innocuous, some product bugs can represent a genuine danger to shoppers. Cybercriminals can exploit bugs to pick up unapproved admittance to a system for the motivations behind dropping malware, taking private data, or opening up an indirect access. This is known as an endeavor. 

Most recent news on computer viruses 

Tricksters utilize old program stunt to make counterfeit virus download 

Our computers, ourselves: advanced versus natural security 

What is the historical backdrop of computer viruses? 

The present malware creators owe a great deal to the cybercriminals of days of old. All the strategies and methods utilized by cybercriminals making present-day malware were first observed in early viruses. Things like Trojans, ransomware, and polymorphic code. These all came from early computer viruses. To comprehend the dangerous scene of today, we need to peer back through time and take a gander at the viruses of days of old. 

1949, John von Neumann and "self-repeating machines" 

It was in those serving of mixed greens long stretches of figuring that mathematician, designer, and polymath John von Neumann conveyed a talk on the Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata in which he initially contended that computer projects could "self-replicate." In a period where computers were the size of houses, and projects were put away on mile-long punch tapes, Neumann's thoughts must've seemed like something from a science fiction mash novel. 

1982, The proto computer-virus 

In 1982 a fifteen-year-old kid tricking his companions demonstrated Neumann's hypothesis a reality. Rich Skrenta's Elk Cloner is generally viewed as the principal proto-computer virus (the expression "computer virus" didn't exist right now). Elk Cloner focused on Apple II computers, making tainted machines show a sonnet from Skrenta: 

Elk Cloner: The program with a character 

It will jump on the entirety of your circles 

It will penetrate your chips 

Truly, it's Cloner! 

It will adhere to you like paste 

It will change RAM as well 

Send in the Cloner! 

Other outstanding firsts—Elk Cloner was the primary virus


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