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Advantage/Disadvantages ICT

Define ICT. Write the disadvantages of ICT.

Answer: ICT/Information and Communication Technology:

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. It means” diverse set of technologies tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate , store and manage Information ”. It includes computers, the Internet, telephone systems, radio television and satellite communications.

Advantage ICT

a) Powerful tool for extending educational opportunities.

b) Helps to Improve The quality of Education.

c) Computers and ICT technologies are making health care for all patients more efficient and accurate.

d) It provides assistance to Medical surgeons during critical operations.

e) Scientists and Engineers working in the design department make very significant usage of high speed computers and ICT technologies.

f) Using ICT, advertisements can be displayed on different websites.

Define ICT. Write the advantages of ICT.


Answer: ICT/Information and Communication Technology:

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. It means ” diverse set of technologies tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate , store and manage Information ”.  It includes computers, the Internet, telephone systems, radio television and satellite communications.

Advantage ICT:

a) Powerful tool for extending educational opportunities.

b) Helps to Improve The quality of Education.

c) Computers and ICT technologies are making health care for all patients more efficient and accurate.

d) It provides assistance to Medical surgeons during critical operations.

e) Scientists and Engineers working in the design department make very significant usage of high speed computers and ICT technologies.

f) Using ICT, advertisements can be displayed on different websites.

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