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Elements of computer


Describe the Elements of computer?

Answer:  Elements of computer: Computer is an electronic device for storing, processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable Elements of Computer: There are six element of computer system- 1. Hardware.  2. Software   3. Data 4. User    5. Procedures   6. Communication

1.Hardware: The physical components which we can see, touch and feel in the computer system are called hardware Example: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse etc.

a) Input device: key board, Mouse, Scanner etc.

b) Processing unit: HDD/ Hard disk, processor, RAM etc.

c) Output device: Monitor, Printer, Speaker etc.

2. Software: Collection of program is called software. Software is a set of instructions can be used to solve real world problems. In computer which elements we can see but not touch is software.

Ex: Windows, MS-word, MS-Excel etc.

The set of instructions are commonly known as a program, without which computers cannot do any operations.

   a) System software-windows 98/XP/2007/vista. Linux etc.

  b) Application software-MS word, MS excel MS access etc.

3. Data: A primary collected knowledge which is not arranged is called data.

a) Numeric data: consists of digit (0, 1, 2... 9) and decimal point.

b) Alphabetic data: It is a used to represent 26 alphabets. It consists of capital letter from A to Z, small letter from (a to z) and back space.

c) Alpha Numeric data: Which data types are making up of letter (A-Z) and any digit (09) is called numeric data.

4. User: A person who design program and operate a computer is user

a) System analyst

b) Programmer

c) Operator

5. Procedure: Procedures are descriptions of how things are done, steps, for accomplishing a result.

6. Communication: When one computer system is set up to share data and information electronically with another computer system, communication.


A computer is a multipurpose electronic gadget that can get, store, measure information and convey data. A computer takes information, for example, numbers, text, pictures and so forth as info and afterward measure those information and converts those to valuable data. Moreover, a computer can likewise store information and data both for sometime later. Additionally a computer can perform booked assignments. Computers are modified gadgets. Computer developers compose projects or programming for computer which really takes input, measure it and yields data. 

Four elements of computer 


Computer Hardware is any essential for the computer that can be contacted. These are fundamentally electronic gadgets used to develop the computer. Computer Hardware really play out the figuring tasks alongside taking information and sending the registered outcome as yield or to putting away that. Processor, Memory Devices, Monitor, Printer and so forth are computer equipment. Screen is utilized to show yield, for example, video, messages and so on while Printer is utilized to print records, pictures and so forth These are electronic gadgets and can be contacted. Both screen and printer are yield gadgets. 


Programming, by definition, is an assortment of computer projects, strategies and documentation that performs various undertakings on a computer framework. Programming can indicate the processors guidance through which the processor can change the condition of computer equipment in a predefined grouping. Quickly, computer programming is a language where computer talks. There are different kinds of programming to do different undertakings. Working Systems, for example, Microsoft Windows 10, Word handling applications such Microsoft Word and so forth as computer programming. We can't contact these as they are for the most part virtual. Yet, we can utilize them utilizing different info gadgets and can get yield from them utilizing diverse yield gadgets. For instance, we can utilize console to type into Microsoft Word and can perceive what we types in the screen, we can likewise print out what we composed utilizing a printer. 


One or a set or various arrangements of data utilized in a cycle to get focused on outcome or objective are called information. All in all, snippets of data which without anyone else might be significant however helpful when associated or utilized with different snippets of data to shape a snippet of data that are important, are called information. There are different contrasts among information and data. A data created by preparing a bunch of information can be utilized as information for another cycle. Information is essentially of two sorts, numeric information and non-numeric information. Be that as it may, information can be of different kinds, for example, numbers, messages, pictures and so forth 


The individual who utilizes the computer is the client. Notwithstanding, close to human, another gadget can become client of a computer as well. No solitary another gadget yet in addition a product or program can be treated as a client. All things considered, any person or thing who or which utilizes, teaches or works the computer to register is a client of the computer. 

Program Execution 

Among the 5 key parts in miniature computer, there are memory and capacity gadgets in it for putting away information and executable codes. For the most part huge arrangement of information is put away gadgets, for example, hard plate drives and so forth At the point when educated, computer loads executable information from capacity to memory gadgets, for example, RAM and so on and executes them. Computer executes directions in a few stages. 


Despite the fact that a computer can be worked from put away booked arrangement of directions, yet those are not broadly useful computers. Universally useful computers should take directions or contributions from its clients. The gadgets which are utilized to include information or sign or guidance to computer are called input gadgets, for example, console, mouse and so forth Computer performs undertakings dependent on contribution from client alongside performing different assignments which probably won't be needed any additionally info or directions. 


The preparing of information is completely relied upon what the client need and what the guidelines should do with the information. For instance, if client needed add 4 and 5, the computer plays out this straightforward math according to the guidelines and furthermore yields according to the guidance. The undertaking that a computer do in the middle of taking information and sending back yield, is handling 


At the point when computer gets done with handling information according to directions, it yields the information back. Notwithstanding, its not clear that the yield will happen as the guidance could be to store the consequence of preparing away gadget, or utilize the aftereffect of handling as contribution for the following handling and so on Computer utilizes different equipment gadgets, for example, screen, speaker, printer and so on to yield data.

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