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Primary memory, Secondary memory


Difference betweenVolatile and Non-Volatile/primary and secondary memory?

Answer:Difference between primary and secondary memory


Primary memory/ Non-Volatile

Secondary memory/ Volatile

To store something temporarily in To store computer is called Primary memory

To store something permanently in To store computer is called Secondary memory.

Primary memory is known as main memory.

Secondary memory is known as additional memory or back memory.

The memory devices used for Primary memory are semiconductor memories

The Secondary memory device are magnetic and optical memories.

The primary memory is categorized as volatile and non-volatile memories, RAM is the volatile memory and ROM is the non-volatile memory

The secondary memory is always non volatile

The primary memory is composed of and that are presently being used by the microprocessor

The Secondary memory enough capable to store huge amount data information.

The primary memory are more effective and fast to interact with the microprocessor,

The Secondary memory are somewhat slow in interacting with the microprocessor, when compared with the primary memory.

Primary memory is temporary

Secondary memory is permanent.

Commonly used primary memory (main memory) available in the range of 512 MB to 8GB RAMs.

Generally secondary memories range between 80 GB to 1 Zettabytes Hard Disk drive.

The primary memory devices are connected to the computer through “slots”.

The Secondary memory devices are connected to the computer through cables.


 Difference between RAM and ROM?


Answer: Difference between RAM and ROM:



Meaning: RAM-random access memory.

Meaning: ROM-read only memory

This memory can read and write

It is read only memory

It is power dependent memory

It is not power dependent memory

The stored data in a RAM can be changed

The stored data in a ROM cannot changed

Performance of a computer depend on RAM.

Performance of a computer does not depend on RAM.


Difference between EPROM & EEPROM?


Answer: Difference between EPROM & EEPROM




Erasable programmable read only memory is shortly called EPROM

Electrically Erasable and programmable read only memory is shortly called memory is short called EEPROM

The storage data can be erase, EPROM are raised by Ultraviolet ray.

The storage data can be erase, EEPROM are Electrical method.

The data can be erase, EPROM the stored are erase the all program

EEPROM are erase of the part, don't erase of whole data.

The device is hard and cost comparative low

The device is hard and cost comparative high

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