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Types of Digital Computer

What is computer? Write the types of digital computer with example.

Answer:Computer:Meaning of the word "Computer" Computer is derived from a Latin word “compute” which means to “to calculate” , “to count” , “to sum up” or “to think together”.

Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with Information. The term computer is derived from the Latin term ‘computer’, this means to calculate or programmable machine. Computer can not do anything without a Program. It represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits(0,1). The Word 'Computer' usually refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory.


Types of digital computer:There are four types ofdigital computer-

a)   Micro Computer: The computer where be used micro-processor is called Micro Computer .The microcomputer is also personal computer or (pc), we use this kind of computer to use for own personal work. The micro computers for pc are the small size basically used for family or office activities. The commonly used microcomputer at various desktop and laptop or notebook computer.The most popular pc menu features are -Dell, HD, IBM, Sony etc. 

Micro Computer

Micro Computer also 4 types-1. Desktop computer 2. Laptop computer 3. Palmtop computer 4. Notebook computer. 

b) Mini Computer: - Minicomputer is more powerful then pc but its size is smaller than mainframes, used as server. Server is the computer that provides service such as printing web, file, mail etc.
Mini Computer

 The computer requesting service is called client server usually is a multi-user and multi-tasking. 

c) Main frames computer: - Larger size and more powerful then minicomputer. It has many processor and larger storage capacity. Eg>: ATM Banking system used mainframe computer.ATM Automatic Teller Machine. 

Main Frame Computer

d) Super Computer: - The most powerful computer. It is also larger in size and it has larger storage capacity. There are thousands of processors (CPU) working simultaneously. It is usually for research work.Eg> CRAY I, Weather forecasting space missions, Cyber- 205 etc.
Super Computer

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