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Windows Operating System


Write down the special features of Windows Operating System.

 Answer: Windows: Windows are Graphical User Interface (GUI) software. It provides the flexibility of using graphical icons and work interactively with the computer. It is used to combination into hardware, user & application software.


Characteristics of operating system:

a) Character based or graphical user interface

b) Single tasking or Multi-tasking operating system

c) Single threading or Multi-threading operating system

d) Storage security

e) 16, 32 and 64 bits processed at a time

f) A portable operating system in not dependent on a specific microprocessor.

What is system software? Write down the categories of it.


Answer:When a computer is stored which software user which software read program from memory exam and execute application software.The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) given the definition like this: Software which controls the execution of computer programs and which may provide scheduling, debugging, input output control accounting, compilation storage assignment, data management and seated service. An operating system, or OS is the master software that is run on a computer that allows it to run other applications developed for that platform.


The type of Operating system:

(1) Batch processing operating system.

(2) Real time operating system.

(3) Multi processing operating system.

(4) Time sharing operating system.

(5) Multi programming operating system.

(6) Virtual operating system.

(7) Distributed operating system.

(8) ON line operating system.

History Windows Operating System

A working framework (OS), in its most broad sense, is programming that permits a client to run different applications on a registering gadget. 

The working framework deals with a PC's product equipment assets, including: 
Information gadgets, for example, a console and mouse. 
Yield gadgets, for example, show screens, printers and scanners. 
Organization gadgets, for example, modems, switches and organization associations. 
Capacity gadgets, for example, inward and outside drives. 

The OS likewise offers types of assistance to encourage the proficient execution and the board of, and memory designations for, any extra introduced programming application programs. 

On the off chance that few projects are running simultaneously, (for example, an Internet program, firewall, and antivirus), the OS will designate the PC's assets (memory, CPU, and capacity) to ensure that every single one of them gets what is expected to work. 

Techopedia clarifies Operating System (OS) 

While it is feasible for a product application to interface straightforwardly with equipment, by far most of uses are composed for an OS, which permits them to exploit basic libraries and not stress over explicit equipment subtleties. 

In such manner, the OS goes about as an extensive structure with which everything applications can collaborate in a steady manner, endlessly improving the entire advancement measure. 

Models for OSs include: 

  1. Android 
  2. iOS 
  3. Macintosh OS X 
  4. Microsoft Windows 
  5. Furthermore, Linux 

Some working frameworks were created during the 1950s, when PCs could just execute each program in turn. Later in the decade, PCs included numerous product programs, now and again called libraries, which were connected together to make the start of the present working frameworks. 
The OS comprises of numerous parts and highlights. Which highlights are characterized as a component of the OS shift with every OS. 

Three Easily Defined Operating System Components 


This gives fundamental level authority over the entirety of the PC equipment gadgets. 

Primary jobs incorporate perusing information from memory and composing information to memory, handling execution orders, deciding how information is gotten and sent by gadgets, for example, the screen, console and mouse; and deciding how to decipher information got from networks. 

Solid parts have a more straightforward plan and comprise of a solitary code that speaks with all equipment and programming. 

Microkernels actualize client and portion administrations in various location spaces, decreasing their size, however constraining the utilization of message passing to execute administrations. 


This part permits connection with the client, which may happen through graphical symbols and a work area or through an order line. 

The UI is additionally partitioned into Command Line Interface (CLI), comprising of a book based interface where exceptional clients can provoke explicit orders by composing them, and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). 

The last is a visual interface that permits the end client to give orders by associating with images, symbols, and menus utilizing an information gadget, for example, a mouse or touchpad. 

Application Programming Interfaces (API) 

This segment permits application engineers to compose particular code. 

An API characterizes how different frameworks or segments can utilize a specific application. 

Microsoft Windows Operating Systems for PCs 

The accompanying subtleties the historical backdrop of MS-DOS and Windows working frameworks intended for (PCs). 

MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System (1981) 

Initially created by Microsoft for IBM, MS-DOS was the standard working framework for IBM-viable PCs. The underlying variants of DOS were basic and looked like another working framework called CP/M. Resulting forms have gotten progressively complex as they fused highlights of minicomputer working frameworks. 

Windows 1.0 – 2.0 (1985-1992) 

Presented in 1985, Microsoft Windows 1.0 was named because of the figuring boxes, or "windows" that spoke to an essential part of the working framework. Rather than composing MS-DOS orders, windows 1.0 permitted clients to point and snap to get to the windows. 

In 1987 Microsoft delivered Windows 2.0, which was intended for the intended for the Intel 286 processor. This rendition added work area symbols, console easy routes and improved illustrations uphold. 

Windows 3.0 – 3.1 (1990–1994) 

Windows 3.0 was delivered in May, 1900 contribution better symbols, execution and progressed illustrations with 16 tones intended for Intel 386 processors. This adaptation is the main delivery that gives the standard "look and feel" of Microsoft Windows for a long time to come. Windows 3.0 included Program Manager, File Manager and Print Manager and games (Hearts, Minesweeper and Solitaire). Microsoft delivered Windows 3.1 in 1992. 

Windows 95 (August 1995) 

Windows OS - Windows 95 

Windows 95 was delivered in 1995 and was a significant move up to the Windows working framework. This OS was a critical progression over its antecedent, Windows 3.1. Notwithstanding donning another UI, Windows 95 additionally incorporates various significant inner upgrades. Maybe generally significant, it upholds 32-digit applications, which implies that applications composed explicitly for this working framework should run a lot quicker. 

In spite of the fact that Windows 95 can run more seasoned Windows and DOS applications, it has basically taken out DOS as the fundamental stage. This has implied expulsion of a large number of the old DOS constraints, for example, 640K of principle memory and 8-character filenames. Other significant highlights in this working framework are the capacity to naturally recognize and arrange introduced equipment (fitting and play). 

Windows 98 (June 1998) 

Windows 98 offers uphold for various new advances, including FAT32, AGP, MMX, USB, DVD, and ACPI. Its most obvious component, however, is the Active Desktop, which incorporates the Web program (Internet Explorer) with the working framework. From the client's perspective, there is no contrast between getting to a report dwelling locally on the client's hard plate or on a Web worker most of the way around the globe. 

Windows ME - Millennium Edition (September 2000) 

The Windows Millennium Edition, called "Windows Me" was an update to the Windows 98 center and incorporated a few highlights of the Windows 2000 working framework. This adaptation likewise eliminated the "boot in DOS" alternative. 

Windows NT 31. - 4.0 (1993-1996) 

An adaptation of the Windows working framework. Windows NT (New Technology) is a 32-cycle working framework that underpins preemptive performing various tasks. There are really two renditions of Windows NT: Windows NT Server, intended to go about as a worker in organizations, and Windows NT Workstation for independent or customer workstations. 

Windows 2000 (February 2000) 

Frequently curtailed as "W2K," Windows 2000 is a working framework for business work area and PC frameworks to run programming applications, associate with Internet and intranet locales, and access records, printers, and organization assets. Microsoft delivered four renditions of Windows 2000: Professional (for business work area and PC frameworks), Server (both a Web worker and an office worker), Advanced Server (for line-of-business applications) and Datacenter Server (for high-traffic PC organizations). 

Windows XP (October 2001) 

Windows XP was delivered in 2001. Alongside an overhauled look and feel to the UI, the new working framework is based on the Windows 2000 portion, giving the client a more steady and dependable climate than past renditions of Windows. Windows XP comes in two forms, Home and Professional. Microsoft zeroed in on portability for the two releases, including fitting and play highlights for interfacing with remote organizations. The working framework additionally uses the 802.11x remote security standard. Windows XP is one of Microsoft's top of the line items. 

Windows Vista (November 2006) 

Windows Vista offered a progression in unwavering quality, security, simplicity of organization, execution and reasonability over Windows XP. New in this rendition was abilities to recognize equipment issues before they happen, security highlights to ensure against the most recent age of dangers, quicker beginning up time and low force utilization of the new rest state. As a rule, Windows Vista is perceptibly more responsive than Windows XP on indistinguishable equipment. Windows Vista improves and unifies work area setup the board, diminishing the expense of keeping frameworks refreshed. 

Windows 7 (October, 2009) 

Windows 7 was delivered by Microsoft on October 22, 2009 as the most recent in the 25-year-old line of Windows working frameworks and as the replacement to Windows Vista (which itself had followed Windows XP). Windows 7 was delivered related to Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7's worker partner. Upgrades and new highlights in Windows 7 incorporate multi-contact uphold, Internet Explorer 8, improved execution and start-up time, Aero Snap, Aero Shake, uphold for virtual hard circles, a better than ever Windows Media Center, and improved security. 

Windows 8 

Windows 8 was delivered on August. 1, 2012 and is a totally upgraded working framework that has been created from the beginning considering touchscreen use just as close moment on capacities that empower a Windows 8 PC to load and fire up surprisingly fast as opposed to in minutes. 

Windows 8 will supplant the more customary Microsoft Windows OS look and feel with another "Metro" plan framework interface that previously appeared in the Windows Phone 7 portable working framework. The Metro UI basically comprises of a "Start screen" comprised of "Live Tiles," which are connections to applications and highlights that are dynamic and update continuously. Windows 8 backings both x86 PCs and ARM processors. 

Windows 10 

Windows 10 is Microsoft's Windows replacement to Windows 8. Windows 10 appeared on July 29, 2015, following a "specialized see" beta arrival of the new working framework that showed up in Fall 2014 and a "cons

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