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Define RAM? Write the different types of RAM with examples?

Answer: Random Access Memory, or RAM (pronounced as ramm), is the physical hardware inside a computer that temporarily stores data, serving as the computer's "working" memory. Additional RAM allows a computer to work with more information at the same time, which usually has a dramatic effect on total system performance. RAM is considered volatile memory, which means that the stored information is lost when there is no power. So, RAM is used by the central processing unit (CPU) when a computer is running to store information that it needs to be used very quickly, but it does not store any information permanently.


Different types of RAM:

1.       Static RAM (SRAM)

2.       Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

3.       Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM)

4.       Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDR SDRAM)

5.       Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic RAM (DDR SDRAM, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4)

6.       Graphics Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic RAM (GDDR SDRAM, GDDR2, GDDR3, GDDR4, GDDR5)

7.       Flash Memory


Write the differences between RAM and ROM


Answer: Difference between RAM and ROM:



Meaning: RAM-random access memory.

Meaning: ROM-read only memory

This memory can read and write

It is read only memory

It is power dependent memory

It is not power dependent memory

The stored data in a RAM can be changed

The stored data in a ROM cannot changed

Performance of a computer depend on RAM.

Performance of a computer does not depend on RAM.


Memory (RAM)

Irregular Access Memory (RAM) is the most popular type of Computer Memory. The Read and compose (R/W) memory of a PC is called RAM. The User can compose data to it and read data from it.With Ram any area can be reached in a fixed ( and short) measure of time in the wake of indicating its location. 

The RAM is an unpredictable memory, it implies data kept in touch with it very well may be gotten to insofar as force is on. When the force is off, it can not be gotten to. so this mean RAM PC memory basically empty.RAM holds information and handling guidelines briefly until the CPU needs it. 

Smash is considered "arbitrary access" since you can get to any memory cell straightforwardly in the event that you know the line and segment that converge at that cell. Slam is made in electronic chips made of purported semiconductor material, much the same as processors and numerous different sorts of chips. In RAM, semiconductors make up the individual stockpiling cells which can each "recollect" a measure of information, for instance, 1 or 4 pieces – as long as the PC is turned on. Truly, RAM comprises of little electronic chips which are mounted in modules (little printed circuit sheets). The modules are introduced in the PC's motherboard utilizing attachments – there are ordinarily 2, 3 or 4 of these. 

We'll be covering the accompanying themes in this instructional exercise: 

There are two fundamental kinds of RAM 

Some different RAMS are 

There are two fundamental kinds of RAM 

Dynamic RAM: loses its put away data in an exceptionally brief timeframe (for milli sec.) in any event, when force supply is on. D-RAM's are less expensive and lower. 

Like a microchip chip is an Integrated Circuit (IC) made of millions of semiconductors and capacitors. 

In the most widely recognized type of PC memory, Dynamic Memory Cell, speaks to a solitary cycle of information. The capacitor holds the piece of data – a 0 or a 1. The semiconductor goes about as a switch that lets the control hardware on the memory chip read the capacitor or change its state. A capacitor resembles a little container that can store electrons. To store a 1 in the memory cell, the can is loaded up with electrons. 

To store a 0, it is purged. The issue with the capacitor's basin is that it has a break. In a matter of a couple of milliseconds a full can gets unfilled. Thusly, for dynamic memory to work, either the CPU or the Memory Controller needs to go along and energize the entirety of the capacitors holding it before they release. To do this, the memory regulator peruses the memory and afterward composes it directly back. This revive activity happens naturally a large number of times each second. 

This invigorate activity is the place where dynamic RAM gets its name. Dynamic RAM must be powerfully revived constantly or it fails to remember what it is holding. The disadvantage of the entirety of this reviving is that it requires some investment and hinders the memory. 

Static RAM utilizes a totally unique innovation. S-RAM holds put away data just as long as the force supply is on. Static RAM's are costlier and devour more force. They have higher speed than D-RAMs. They store data in Hip-Hope. 

In static RAM, a type of flip lemon holds each digit of memory. A flip-flop for a memory cell takes four or six semiconductors alongside some wiring, yet never must be invigorated. This makes static RAM fundamentally quicker than dynamic RAM. Nonetheless, on the grounds that it has more parts, a static memory cell occupies significantly more room on a chip than a powerful memory cell. In this way, you get less memory per chip, and that makes static RAM much more costly. Static RAM is quick and costly, and dynamic RAM is more affordable and more slow. Static RAM is utilized to make the CPU's speed delicate reserve, while dynamic RAM shapes the bigger framework RAM space. 

Some different RAMS are 

(a) EDO (Extended Data Output) RAM : In an EDO RAMs, any memory area can be gotten to. Stores 256 bytes of information data into hooks. The hooks hold next 256 bytes of data so that in many projects, which are consecutively executed, the information are accessible without stand by states. 

(b) SDRAM (Synchronous DRAMS), SGRAMs (Synchronous Graphic RAMs) These RAM chips utilize a similar clock rate as CPUuses. They move information when the CPU anticipates that them should be prepared. 

(c) DDR-SDRAM (Double Data Rate – SDRAM) : This RAM moves information on the two edges of the clock. Consequently the exchange pace of the information becomes pairs. 

ROM : Read just memory: Its non unpredictable memory, ie, the data put away in it, isn't lost regardless of whether the force supply goes off. It's utilized for the lasting stockpiling of data. It likewise groups irregular access property. Data can not be composed into a ROM by the clients/software engineers. All in all the substance of ROMs are chosen by the fabricates. 

The accompanying kinds of ROMs a recorded beneath : 

(I) PROM : It's programmable ROM. Its substance are chosen by the client. The client can store perpetual projects, information and so on in a PROM. The information is taken care of into it utilizing a PROM programs. 

(ii) EPROM : An EPROM is an erasable PROM. The put away information in EPROM's can be eradicated by presenting it to UV light for around 20 min. It is difficult to eradicate it on the grounds that the EPROM IC must be eliminated from the PC and presented to UV light. The whole information is deleted and not chose divides by the client. EPROM's are modest and dependable. 

(iii) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM) : The chip can be eradicated and reinvented on the board effectively byte by byte. It very well may be eradicated with in a couple of milliseconds. There is a breaking point on the occasions the EEPROM's can be reconstructed, i.e.; as a rule around multiple times. 

Secondery Memory : Its an electrically erasable and programmable perpetual sort memory. It utilizes one semiconductor memory all subsequent in high pressing thickness, low force utilization, lower cost and higher dependability. Its utilized in all force, advanced cameras, MP3 players and so forth 

Auxiliary memory is otherwise called optional capacity. The auxiliary memory is gotten to in a roundabout way by means of info/yield activities. This memory is likewise called perpetual, outer, steady or tenacious memory. It is described by its gradualness and inexpensiveness, comparative with the RAM, and by its lasting appearance. 

The CPU doesn't straightforwardly handle it. It's substance right off the bat replicated into smash and afterward moved to CPU. The Secondary memory store information that can be handily recovered simply by the primary memory and utilized by the processor. It is more slow than RAM however bigger capacity limits than essential memory. 

The prepared information is, by and large, put away in a computerized design either on a hard circle drive (HDD) or floppy plate drives, optical drives, tape drives, outer hard drives, RAID and USB stockpiling gadgets, which is called Secondary memory, or removable mass stockpiling devices(MSDs). Essential stockpiling gadgets are known as Random access memory (RAM), While RAM (Random Access Memory) has less information stockpiling limit, and the information got vanished when the PC is killed. 

Auxiliary memory gadgets are helpful for putting away reinforcement records, yet they additionally permit PC clients to grow their capacity to move a lot of information to another Secondary memory gadgets. 

Auxiliary memory gadgets are nonvolatile in nature and information doesn't vanish when the PC killed and on once more. Auxiliary memory is less expensive than essential memory but on the other hand is more slow in both perusing and composing. Essential memory (RAM) is quicker yet doesn't store information for all time, rather than stacking auxiliary memory more slow information in the essential memory to utilize it. In contrast to essential memory, auxiliary memory likewise doesn't get to the CPU straightforwardly from the PC. 

Attractive or hard drives are the most widely recognized sort of auxiliary memory. All advanced PCs generally use at any rate one inside hard plate drive (HDD). These are likewise much of the time connected remotely through a Universal Serial Bus (USB), and they additionally utilized in repetitive and recoverable stockpiling networks if there should arise an occurrence of unintentional loss of information. 

Optical capacity circles, for example, minimized plates (CDs) and advanced video plates (DVDs), were the underlying replacements on the auxiliary hard drive. Their capacity to hold significantly more information and their minimal effort have been all that anyone could need to make up for moderate compose speeds. As innovation has improved and media costs have stayed low, optical capacity stays a feasible and available mechanism for compact auxiliary stockpiling. 

Secodary memory has seen a flood in fame and innovative advancement. It works a lot of like a hard drive concerning access, a lot quicker gratitude to the capacity media are not successively composed as a hard plate. The glimmer memory might be viewed as moderate nonvolatile memory, yet it is as yet unfit to get to the CPU of a PC straightforwardly. As its ability has expanded, while its costs have dropped, streak memory has become an immediate contender of hard circle drive (HDD): it has a quick perused and composes time and better mechanical security since it has no moving parts.

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