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What is ISP


What is ISP? Write two names and web address of ISP?


Answer: Internet Service Provider (ISP):  An Internet specialist co-op (ISP, likewise called Internet access supplier) is a business or association that offers clients' admittance to the Internet and related administrations. Numerous however not all ISPs are phone organizations or other media transmission suppliers. They offer types of assistance, for example, Internet access, Internet travel, space name enlistment and facilitating dial-up access, rented line access and collocation. Web access suppliers might be coordinated in different structures, for example, business, network claimed, non-benefit, or in any case exclusive. 

Names of ISP:Some ISP in Bangladesh gives network administration is ISN.. Dhaka Fiber Net Limited,Grameen digital Net, Prosika Net, Brac BD Mail, Agni framework, BOL bistro Net, Fost Net and so forth They give and address to an individual or establishment. 

Web address of ISP: 

1.  2.     3.



What is Website? What is the Web Address of DG Health?


Answer: WebsiteA Website is an assortment of pages (archives that are gotten to through the Internet, for example, the one you're taking a gander at now. A website page is the thing that you see on the screen when you type in a web address, click on a connection, or put a question in a web index. A page can contain any sort of data, and can incorporate content, shading, designs, liveliness and sound. 

At the point when somebody gives you their web address, it by and large takes you to their site's landing page, which ought to acquaint you with what that webpage offers as far as data or different administrations. From the landing page, you can tap on connections to arrive at different areas of the site. A site can comprise of one page, or of a huge number of pages, contingent upon what the site proprietor is attempting to achieve.

 Some Important Web Address Name:

                 DG Health Web Address Name:

a)  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare:- 

b) Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC):-

c) Community Based Health Care:-

d) Directorate General of Drug Administration :-

e) Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh :-

f)  Dhaka Medical College:-

g) The State Medical Faculty Of Bangladesh:-

h) Bangladesh:-


ISP, organization that gives Internet associations and administrations to people and associations. Notwithstanding giving admittance to the Internet, ISPs may likewise give programming bundles, (for example, programs), email accounts, and an individual Web website or landing page. ISPs can have Web destinations for organizations and can likewise construct the Web locales themselves. ISPs are totally associated with one another through organization passageways, public organization offices on the Internet spine. 

The ascent of business Internet administrations and applications helped fuel a quick commercialization of the Internet. This marvel was the consequence of a few different factors also. One significant factor was the presentation of the (PC) and the workstation in the mid 1980s—an advancement that thusly was powered by phenomenal advancement in incorporated circuit innovation and a chaperon quick decrease in PC costs. Another factor, which took on expanding significance, was the development of Ethernet and other "neighborhood" (LANs) to connect PCs. In any case, different powers were grinding away as well. Following the rebuilding of AT&T Corporation in 1984, the U.S. Public Science Foundation exploited different new alternatives for its public level computerized spine administration, known as NSFNET. In 1988 the U.S. Enterprise for National Research Initiatives got endorsement to direct an analysis connecting a business email administration (MCI Mail) to the Internet. This application was the main Internet association with a business supplier that was not likewise part of the examination network. Endorsement immediately followed to permit other email suppliers access, and the Internet started its first blast in rush hour gridlock. 

In 1993 government enactment permitted NSF to open the NSFNET spine to business clients. Preceding that time, utilization of the spine was dependent upon an "worthy use" strategy, set up and directed by NSF, under which business utilize was restricted to those applications that served the examination network. NSF perceived that industrially provided network administrations, since they were accessible, would at last be far more affordable than kept financing of particular reason network administrations. 

Likewise in 1993 the University of Illinois made generally accessible Mosaic, another sort of PC program, known as a program, that ran on most kinds of PCs and, through its "point-and-snap" interface, streamlined admittance, recovery, and show of documents through the Internet. Mosaic joined a bunch of access conventions and show principles initially created at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) by Tim Berners-Lee for another Internet application called the World Wide Web (WWW). In 1994 Netscape Communications Corp. (initially called Mosaic Communications Corporation) was shaped to build up a Web program, Navigator, and worker programming for business use. Presently the product monster Microsoft Corporation got keen on supporting Internet applications on PCs and built up its Internet Explorer Web program (in view of on Mosaic) and different projects. These new ad abilities quickened the development of the Internet, which as ahead of schedule as 1988 had just been developing at the pace of 100% every year. 

By the last part of the 1990s there were roughly 10,000 ISPs around the globe, the greater part situated in the United States. In any case, the majority of these ISPs offered just neighborhood assistance and depended on admittance to provincial and public ISPs for more extensive availability. Union started toward the decade's end, with numerous little to medium-sized suppliers combining or being obtained by bigger ISPs. Among these bigger suppliers were gatherings, for example, America Online, Inc. (AOL), which had begun as a dial-up data administration with no Internet network except for made a progress in the last part of the 1990s to turn into the main supplier of Internet administrations on the planet—with in excess of 25 million endorsers by 2000 and with branches in Australia, Europe, South America, and Asia. In the interim, numerous new state-claimed ISPs entered the business in huge public business sectors, for example, China, India, and Indonesia, and immediately overshadowed the supporter base of any customary business ISP. 

Dial-up Internet clients kept on moving to broadband assistance for quicker Internet associations. The section level broadband assistance offered by phone and digital TV organizations cost as meager as dial-up administrations in certain pieces of the United States. Because of the move, dial-up Internet supplier AOL watched its base of dial-up help endorsers decrease from almost 27 million out of 2002 to 17.7 million by 2006 and to 2.1 million out of 2015. With an end goal to reposition itself, AOL not, at this point tried to be the head supplier of dial-up help and rather attempted to turn into a free promoting upheld Internet entry like Yahoo and Google. AOL offered its clients two methodologies: they could at present compensation for dial-up Internet access from AOL, or they could pay for Internet access from another organization and still access numerous AOL includes for nothing. 

With the expansion of Internet locales, for example, Netflix that broadcast video and other huge documents, ISPs have pushed for the option to bring to the table diversely estimated levels of administration to online substance or programming suppliers based on their Internet use. Advocates of internet fairness accept, in addition to other things, that network suppliers should be needed to treat all broadband shoppers similarly as opposed to charging a few customers greater costs for utilizing more transfer speed (information conveying limit). Rivals of internet fairness question whether link and phone organizations could bear to put resources into cutting edge security or transmission administrations in the event that they couldn't charge a premium for them. By and large, enormous Internet suppliers of substance and programming support internet fairness, while the ISPs are against it. Enactment will be needed to settle the debate.

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