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Different types of Operating System.


What is Operating System? Write the different types of Operating System.

Answer: Operating system: Operating System means management method. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) given the definition like this: Software which controls the execution of computer programs and which may provide scheduling, debugging, input output control accounting, compilation storage assignment, data management and seated service. An operating system, or OS is the master software that is run on a computer that allows it to run other applications developed for that platform. 

Name of operating system: MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows XP, 2000: Server, Vista, UNIX, LINUX.

 The type of Operating system:

(1) Batch processing operating system.

(2) Real time operating system.

(3) Multi processing operating system.

(4) Time sharing operating system.

(5) Multi programming operating system.

(6) Virtual operating system.

(7) Distributed operating system.

(8) ON line operating system.


Distinguish between DOS and windows operating system.




It is work on CUI bases.

It is work on GUI bases.

Key board is used as input device.

Key board and Mouse both used as input device.

Single tasking system

Multi-tasking system

No memory sharing facilities

Memory can be share with another computer

It cannot support the graphics

It can support the graphics

Dos is difficult to learn and understand

Windows is easy to learn and understand

Limited users can work on dos.

Windows there are many users

We cannot see mouse in Dos

in Windows we can see and use mouse to click on icons or links

Application and system software is did not work properly

Windows it runs at a great speed.


Dos is not user friendly

Windows operating system is user friendly.

In Dos new hardware cannot work properly

Windows it can detect and installs software automatically.

Ex: MS-DOS 1x, MS-DOS 3x,

Ex: Windows 7,Windows XP.

What is a working framework? 

A working framework is the main programming that sudden spikes in demand for a PC. It deals with the PC's memory and cycles, just as the entirety of its product and equipment. It additionally permits you to speak with the PC without realizing how to communicate in the coding's. Without a working framework, a PC is pointless. 

The working framework's work 

Your PC's working framework (OS) deals with the entirety of the product and equipment on the PC. More often than not, there are a few distinctive PC programs running simultaneously, and they all need to get to your PC's focal preparing unit (CPU), memory, and capacity. The working framework arranges the entirety of this to ensure each program gets what it needs. 

Kinds of working frameworks 

Working frameworks ordinarily come pre-stacked on any PC you purchase. A great many people utilize the working framework that accompanies their PC, yet it's conceivable to update or even change working frameworks. The three most basic working frameworks for PCs are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. 

Present-day working frameworks utilize a graphical UI, or GUI (articulated gooey). A GUI allows you to utilize your mouse to click symbols, catches, and menus, and everything is obviously shown on the screen utilizing a blend of illustrations and text. 

Each working framework's GUI has an alternate look and feel, so on the off chance that you change to an alternate working framework, it might appear to be new from the start. Notwithstanding, present day working frameworks are intended to be anything but difficult to utilize, and the majority of the fundamental standards are the equivalent. 

Microsoft Windows 

Microsoft made the Windows working framework during the 1980s. There have been various forms of Windows, however the latest ones are Windows 10 (delivered in 2015), Windows 8 (2012), Windows 7 (2009), and Windows Vista (2007). Windows comes pre-stacked on most new PCs, which assists with making it the most famous working framework on the planet. 


macOS (recently called OS X) is a line of working frameworks made by Apple. It comes preloaded on all Macintosh PCs, or Macs. A portion of the particular adaptations incorporate Mojave (delivered in 2018), High Sierra (2017), and Sierra (2016). 

As indicated by StatCounter Global Stats, macOS clients represent under 10% of worldwide working frameworks—much lower than the level of Windows clients (over 80%). One explanation behind this is that Apple PCs will in general be more costly. In any case, numerous individuals do lean toward the look and feel of macOS over Windows. 


Linux (articulated LINN-ux) is a group of open-source working frameworks, which implies they can be adjusted and appropriated by anybody around the globe. This is not quite the same as restrictive programming like Windows, which must be changed by the organization that possesses it. The benefits of Linux are that it is free, and there are a wide range of conveyances—or variants—you can look over. 

As per StatCounter Global Stats, Linux clients represent under 2% of worldwide working frameworks. Notwithstanding, most workers run Linux since it's moderately simple to modify. 

To get familiar with various circulations of Linux, visit the Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Fedora sites, or allude to our Linux Resources. For a more extensive show, you can visit MakeUseOf's rundown of The Best Linux Distributions. 

Working frameworks for cell phones 

The working frameworks we've been discussing so far were intended to run on work area and PCs. Cell phones, for example, telephones, tablet PCs, and MP3 players are not quite the same as work area and PCs, they run working frameworks that are planned explicitly for cell phones. Instances of portable working frameworks incorporate Apple iOS and Google Android. In the screen capture underneath, you can see iOS running on an iPad. 

What is an application? 

You may have heard individuals looking at utilizing a program, an application, or an application. In any case, what precisely does that mean? Basically, an application is a sort of programming that permits you to perform explicit undertakings. Applications for work area or PCs here and there called work area applications, while those for cell phones are called portable applications. 

At the point when you open an application, it runs inside the working framework until you close it. More often than not, you will have more than one application open simultaneously, which is known as performing various tasks. 

Application is a typical term for an application, particularly for basic applications that can be downloaded modestly or in any event, for nothing. Numerous applications are additionally accessible for cell phones and even a few TVs. 

Work area applications 

There are endless work area applications, and they fall into a few classes. Some are all the more full included (like Microsoft Word), while others may just do a couple of things (like a clock or schedule application). The following are only a couple kinds of utilizations you may utilize. 

Word processors: A word processor permits you to compose a letter, plan a flyer, and make numerous different kinds of records. The most notable word processor is Microsoft Word. 

Internet browsers: An internet browser is an instrument you use to get to the Internet. Most PCs accompany an internet browser pre-introduced, however, you can likewise download an alternate one on the off chance that you like. Instances of programs incorporate Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. 

Media players: If you need to tune in to MP3s or watch motion pictures you've downloaded, you'll need to utilize a media player. Windows Media Player and iTunes are famous media players. 

Games: There are numerous kinds of games you can play on your PC. They range from games like Solitaire to activity games like Halo. Many activity games require a great deal of figuring power, so they may not work except if you have a more up to date PC. 

Versatile applications 

The work area and PCs the lone gadgets that can run applications. You can likewise download applications for cell phones like cell phones and tablets. Here are a couple of instances of versatile applications. 

Gmail: You can utilize the Gmail application to effortlessly see and send messages from your cell phone. It's accessible for Android and iOS gadgets. 

Instagram: You can utilize Instagram to rapidly share photographs with your loved ones. It's accessible for Android and iOS. 

Duolingo: With a blend of tests, games, and different exercises, this application can assist you with learning dialects. It's accessible for Android and iOS. offers an assortment of versatile applications. You can go to our Mobile Apps page to download them for nothing. 

Putting in new applications 

Each PC and cell phone will accompany a few applications previously underlying, for example, an internet browser and media player. Notwithstanding, you can likewise buy and put in new applications to add greater usefulness. You can audit our exercises on Installing Software on Your Windows PC, Installing Software on Your Mac, and Free Software to find out additional. 

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