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What is Protocol



What is Protocol? Write the names of different types of Protocol.


Answer: Different types of network applications use different digital languages ​​to control the process of communication between computers. These languages ​​are called network protocols.

Definition: A protocol is a set of rules governing the transfer of data between devices. The rules are used for the following purposes.

1. Data compression.

2. By sending the device to indicate that it has finished sending the message.

3. By receiving a call to indicate that you have received a message.

There are different types of Protocol such as:

1. Transmission control Protocol (TCP)

2. Internet Protocol (IP)

3. Internet Address Protocol (IP Address)

4. Protocol Protocol (POP)

5. Simple Email Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

6.File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

7. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

8. Ethernet

9. Phone

10. Gopher

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